Through a press release issued on 4 November 2019, the Ministry of Civil Protection announced the launch of the operation of its Domestic Violence Response Services, which focus on the management of incidents of domestic violence and the specialized support of victims through appropriately trained staff.
With the phenomenon of domestic violence at the center of the strategy for violence prevention that is being jointly implemented by the Ministry and the Hellenic Police, the operation of Domestic Violence Response Services aims at:
The protection and support of victims of domestic violence, with emphasis on preventing secondary victimization and eliminating stereotypes.
The encouragement and better management of complaints.
The prevention and management of incidents concerning domestic violence.
The coordination of involved service actors and the systematic monitoring of cases.
The education and continuous training of staff working in the Hellenic Police.
The sensitization of citizens.
Production of television spot in the framework of the awareness campaign to end domestic violence titled “You have a Voice; We are by your Side”.
Amongst other activities seeking to raise awareness on the subject of domestic violence, the Ministry of Civil Protection is carrying out a campaign titled “You have a Voice, we are by your Side”, through which five video spots will be created, highlighting the different forms of violence as experienced by different social groups (children, women, men, elderly, persons with disabilities) while informing citizens on the operation of Domestic Violence Response Services.
MATILDA Foundation has funded the production of one spot dedicated to violence against children, thereby contributing to the sensitization of citizens and their mobilization against incidents of violence that target underage children.